Letter To The Editor: The Bear Is Gone. What About The Driver?

Dear editor: To all those tree huggers and nature lovers, sh*t happens! There has not been one word written about the well-being of the unfortunate driver who accidentally hit the bear! Unbelievable!

October 24, 20242 min read

Grizzly 399 and her young brood of four cubs in 2020.
Grizzly 399 and her young brood of four cubs in 2020. (Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

To all those tree huggers and nature lovers,

Sh*t happens! There has not been one word written about the well-being of the unfortunate driver who accidentally hit the bear! Unbelievable!

The iconic bear was referred to in loving revered terms, but for heaven sake, it was an animal, and wildlife in the park are occasionally accidentally killed. If not, they die of old age or disease.

Is there no concern for the driver and possible passengers? Or the damage to the car? The article quotes someone as saying they “think the driver’s car was towed away.” No concern whatsoever! Or follow-up on the driver. 

Years ago we were driving home to Cody from the park after dinner at Old Faithful. It was late and dark.

Right at a bend in the road and an incline in the road maybe around Cub Creek a bear darted across the road right in front of us and just barely clipped the front right fender.

He was lucky and SO WERE WE! There was no way we could have stopped if he had been a few feet further across the road!

So have a little compassion for the driver!

He will live with this incident forever.

The bear is gone. Sayonara to a great bear life.

Susan Caraveau
