Letter To The Editor: Gary Brown Stands For The Republican Platform

Dear editor: Gary wanted to be a father and the person who he thought loved him, took that away from him. It devastated him, he now stands up any chance he can to fight for the lives of other unborn children and the men who want to be fathers but are never given that choice.

October 22, 20242 min read

Gary brown headshot 2 10 23 24
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

I do not live in House District 41, [but] I believe Gary Brown is the right choice for the citizens.

Gary Brown is a man of honor and integrity. He believes you should stand up and fight for what you believe in.

Gary Brown believes that all human beings have the right to live.

Yes, Gary Brown testified in favor of being pro-life at the legislature’s Senate Agriculture Committee meeting in February, why you might ask?

Gary was married and when he found out his then wife, had an abortion without discussing it with him, he decided that it was too much to live with and made the decision to end his marriage to the woman he thought he knew and could one day start a family with, what’s worse is that this was not her first abortion of a child she had with Gary.

Gary wanted to be a father and the person who he thought loved him, took that away from him. It devastated him, he now stands up any chance he can to fight for the lives of other unborn children and the men who want to be fathers but are never given that choice.

This woman did not believe Gary had the right to be a father and she never gave him the option to have a say in this matter, either time.

When you are married you work as a team and allow the person you took vows with to be part of choices that will have an effect on both your lives.

One person should not completely disregard the thoughts and emotions of the other. Pregnancy is not private when you have entered into the sanctity of marriage with another.

Should people have the right to choose what’s best for their bodies? Yes, but you don’t get to choose life or death of another.

The baby’s life growing inside you is not yours. Gary Brown stands for the Republican platform.

If you believe in that platform and for what it means, please vote for Gary Brown for HD 41, he fights for all life.


Kathy Scigliano
