Letter To The Editor: God Bless Our Founding Fathers And Their Wisdom

Dear editor: If Mr. McEvoy does not like our system or the state of Wyoming. Then move! Go to California or New York or England. However, he would rather exercise his first amendment rights. Which is fine but you have a choice. 

October 19, 20243 min read

Electoral college 10 20 24
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

I have read the letter to the editor from Jim McEvoy concerning his thoughts of we are on the brink of fascism. 

Here are my thoughts concerning this article. 

1.  Trump received the votes needed by the Republican Party to be the nominee. 

2.  Harris never received any votes and was placed as the Democratic nominee by?   This was all done as the money behind Biden would be lost. So the Democrats put Harris in his place and they just complied. How does this work?  Get no votes and you are the nominee. That is not right at all. Remember to follow the money. 

3.  Trump was in office for four years. Our economy was thriving, we were energy independent, low inflation and unemployment.  There were no wars with Trump!  Amazing since everyone thought he would start a nuclear war. 

4.  Since the Democrats took office our economy is hurting. Costs of all goods and services have risen dramatically. No one is better off than they were four year’s ago.  Our military is woke and we are too concerned about DEI. 

5.  Biden has stated that the second Amendment is not absolute?  Really?  Where is this coming from?  

6.  Democrats was to suppress our First Amendment of free speech. Because they want to control the narrative.  They don’t like being challenged. 

7.  Since Biden took office the world is not a better place or America. 

Our founding fathers were smart and insightful. They did not want to live like they had in England. No free speech. They wrote our Bill of Rights and Constitution with a lot of discussion and thought. Amendments were put into place by vote. 

The electoral college is brilliant and provides for the selection of our president as fair as possible. This keeps heavily populated areas from running our country. So, our system of choosing a president is far.  

California and New York are terrible states.  High taxes, crime and homelessness are rampant. The courts are a joke and police are handcuffed.  Nevertheless people still want to live there. To each their own.  

If Mr. McEvoy does not like our system or the state of Wyoming. Then move! Go to California or New York or England. However, he would rather exercise his first amendment rights. Which is fine but you have a choice.  

God bless our founding fathers and their wisdom. This is the greatest country in the world. Only the Democratic Party would want to screw it up to get there way.  

Mark King 