Editor's note: The tagline for this story has been corrected to reflect Aaila is in the running to represent Wyoming, not the only Wyoming baby in the contest. As more information is available about others in the contest, we'll update this story.
THERMOPOLIS — The Colossal Baby of the Year contest is coming down to the wire, and one Wyoming family already knows their 5-month-old is the best baby ever and are hopeful everyone else will know it too if she wins.
Little Aaila is already Baby of the Year in the Gurtler household, but being the face of babies everywhere in an ad in Good Housekeeping would also be good for Wyoming.
“We've got so much going on right now in Wyoming with the fires,” said Nicole Gurtler of Thermopolis. “This is just a chance to spread some positivity and love. It’s something that puts a smile on people's faces.”
The mom of six decided to enter Aaila in the contest on the spur of the moment. She had stumbled on it across Facebook and thought it would be fun.
“I'm constantly posting baby pictures, and everybody's always saying how beautiful she is and that she should be the Gerber Baby and all this stuff,” Nicole said.
The Gurtlers are about spreading positivity. Dad Nathan is a music teacher at Ralph Witter Elementary and recently won a Wyoming grant to buy ukuleles for his classroom.
“I just fell in love with the excitement and joy elementary kids bring to the classroom, and all my kids know all about Aalia Jo,” Nathan said about his youngest. “They are always eager to know how she’s doing and her 8-year-old brother is always boasting about her. This little girl has her siblings wrapped around her finger. She gets all giggly and lights up when they show up.”
Aaila is in fourth place as of Friday, competing against about 90 other babies across America in the online voting contest. If she wins in her group, she will go on to compete in the quarterfinals.
Although only 5 months old, “Aaila is an old soul,” says her profile on the Baby of the Year website. “She loves playing with her siblings, her mama and her daddy. … In the evening, she has what we call ‘the morphing hour,’ where she transforms and likes to make monster noises, growling and such.”
The Baby of the Year is a contest sponsored by Colossal with the winner being featured in an ad campaign for Good Housekeeping and the family will receive a $25,000 cash prize.
The contest itself is a fundraiser for Baby2Baby, a national nonprofit organization that helps children living in poverty with diapers with basic necessities.
If the family wins, they will use the money to help put Aaila’s 19-year-old sister through college.
“I see this as a way to help put Wyoming on the map,” Nicole said. “Just a way to share some sweet giggles.”

There's Also Molly
Another young Wyomingite in the running for Baby of the Year is 14-month-old Molly Chamberlin of Cheyenne. She currently in fifth place in her group.
She's described in her Baby of the Year voting profile as being "just adorable inside and out" with a "spunky personality." She loves the "Luca," "Boss Baby" and "Storks" movies, and "giggles in the same spots in each movie, which is super cute. She also loves to sit and play with her favorite toys."
Now that she's started walking, Molly is "super independent" and "is just cruisin'," her profile says.
If Molly wins, some of the $25,000 prize money would help the family take a special vacation together and make memories.

And Dreyson
Dreyson Jackson is the 8-month-old son of Anthony Jackson and SaVanna Williams of Rock Springs and was fifth in his group in voting as of Saturday.
"We get stopped anywhere we go," according to his Baby of the Year voting profile, adding that people are "mostly obsessed with his beautiful eyes."
He's a "happy go-lucky baby" who loves "laughing with mommy and daddy – maybe at us, too."
Dreyson was ill when he was born, so if he wins the $25,000 prize, it will help pay off his medical bills, the profile says.

Reiney, Too
Reiney Trehearne is the 13-month-old daughter of Troy and Carissa Trehearne. He's a Fremont County Sheriff's Office deputy and cattle rancher, and mom's a stay-at-home mom and rancher.
Reiney also has an older brother and sister, and "is a little sweet mixed with a lot of sassy" who "smiles at everyone," according to her Baby of the Year voting profile.
"Reiney has always been special since the day she was born," the profile says. "Always gave a smile, and if she didn't like you, a dirty look. She is tough as nails but as sweet as pie. You can't tell her no with taht cheesy smile of hers."
Her favorite things are riding the mule with papa and anything to do with horses with Momma.
If she wins the $25,000, it would help set Reiney up for a bright future.
Jackie Dorothy can be reached at jackie@cowboystatedaily.com.