Letter To The Editor: Retaining The Good Old Boys Club

Dear editor: There's a highly coordinated campaign laser-focused on maintaining the power of the Good Old Boys Club in Wyoming government.

July 22, 20242 min read

State capitol scaled
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

There’s a highly coordinated campaign laser-focused on maintaining the power of the Good Old Boys Club in Wyoming government. It’s funded by out-of-state billionaires, elitists, and big corporations. 

This cabal goes to work day in and day out shilling for the individuals who have been in power for decades. Using its monopolistic presence in Wyoming, it slanders those who dare to challenge the status quo. 

This well-funded and coordinated machine is the liberal media and it uses openly biased coverage, outright lies, and a lot of cash to advocate for the election of its liberal allies. Simply put, liberal “journalists” across Wyoming are engaging in electioneering communications and labeling it “news.” I call it the Mainstream Media Good Old Boys PAC.

This electioneering was on full display when Cowboy State Daily published an article about the use of model bills in the Wyoming Legislature. 

If you read the article, you’d assume that only conservatives pull from ideas that were introduced in other states. Citing my bill, the “What is a Woman Act,” as being “nearly identical” to an Alabama bill, Cowboy State Daily not only suggests that it’s rare to see bills borrowed from other states, but that each state should somehow adopt a different definition of male and female.

The article even quotes Cheyenne Representative Dan Zwonitzer, who is always happy and quick to criticize his conservative colleagues in the Wyoming House. Zwonitzer claims to dislike the use of bills from other states, but he repeatedly argued during debate on a model bill relating to an interstate mental health compact that the Wyoming Legislature couldn’t and shouldn’t amend it

Wouldn’t this fact be necessary to provide balanced coverage? 

What about the fact that the Wyoming Legislature has adopted many (in my opinion, too many) model codes written by elitists at the Uniform Law Commission? Wouldn’t this fact help readers understand the full context? 

But my friends, it’s an election year, and that’s not the point. Don’t let the Mainstream Media Good Old Boys PAC fool you. 


Jeanette Ward

Ward represents House District 57 in Casper

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