Guest Column: Thank You, School Board, For Working With Parents

Guest columnist Nathan Winters writes, "Recently, an op-ed by Joan Barron claimed that there is broad disagreement with a proposed new book policy for school libraries in LCSD#1. Nothing could be further from the truth."

CSD Staff

June 07, 20243 min read

Winters 8 26 22
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Recently, an op-ed by Joan Barron claimed that there is broad disagreement with a proposed new book policy for school libraries in LCSD#1. Nothing could be further from the truth.


First, the column emphasizes the results of a local newspaper poll showing opposition to the policy.

While Ms. Barron acknowledges that the poll is not scientific or representative of the broader population, she continues to base her opinion piece on it anyway.

The entire premise of the article is based on the supposed idea that there is widespread opposition to giving parents several options regarding what sexually explicit material their kids could access in school libraries.

Secondly, the column focuses on a subject already behind us (while mistakenly confusing it with a separate one that has yet to be decided).  

The new LCSD1 opt-in/opt-out policy, which was carefully designed to give every parent more tailored choices regarding their children's exposure to sexually explicit content, passed overwhelmingly months ago, and Wyoming Family Alliance commends the board for respecting the role of parents as the primary guardians of their children's education and development.


However, since the column brought up a conversation from the past, we must refute the claims that were made.


The new school library policy does not lead to censorship. Regulating age-inappropriate materials based on each parent’s choice is not, and never will be, the same as banning books.

That would be like saying local movie theaters promote censorship when they do not allow unaccompanied minors into movies with certain ratings.

In both cases, parents who want their children protected from certain content have their choice reinforced, and parents who choose to allow their children access to certain content can still find ways to make that happen.


Schools are responsible for ensuring that library content is suitable for their students' academic and developmental stages.

The new policy that was voted on does not seek to remove books from libraries but to provide structured access based on parental guidance.


The column criticizes the involvement of "Moms for Liberty" as an out-of-state organization, suggesting that their influence is not aligned with Wyoming values.

However, every mom involved in the local chapter is from the local community and is standing up for her kids.


Furthermore, the push for parental control in school libraries is not unique to any one organization or state; it reflects a broader concern among parents nationwide about the content their children are exposed to.

The argument that this is not a "Wyoming agenda" ignores the fact that many local parents share these concerns and support the policy.


The actual issue that is coming up before the LCSD1 board concerns the policy for purchasing new books in the future.

The board has proposed a very common-sense approach to ensure that school libraries remain places of educational enrichment with age-appropriate content.

Nathan Winters is President & CEO of Wyoming Family Alliance




CSD Staff
