One of the favorite things we do at Cowboy State Daily is present the daily Wyoming Sunrise feature.
The photos are sent to us by our readers, and then we put them up on the website, in the newsletter and on social media.
It’s one of our most popular features.
These are the top 20 Wyoming sunrises in 2023 as measured by reader reaction on Facebook. These are the ones that received the most engagement (likes, shares, comments).
Doesn’t mean they’re the best. That's impossible to judge because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But it does mean that these are the ones that our readers most responded to.
To participate, you can send timely Wyoming sunrises to:

20. August 3, 2023: Clear Creek in the Bighorn Mountains. Photographer: Lars Edwards

19. October 14, 2023. Powell, Wyoming. Photographer: Tabatha Hansen writes, "I took this from my back porch. The weather has turned colder and the sun rises later, but sunrises like these make it worth it!"

18. November 20, 2023. Medicine Bow National Forest. Photographer: Kaleb Thompson writes, "While taking the photo I realized that I probably will never have this chance again."

17. October 13, 2023. On top of the Wyoming Range. Photographer: Marshall Carey.

16. October 18, 2023. North of Thermopolis. Photographer: Donell Nordwick writes, "Early morning sun at daybreak. My dog, Randi, enjoying a cool drink of Bighorn River water first thing in the morning."

15. November 14, 2023. Riverton, Wyoming. Photographer: Tom Blondell

14. October 16, 2023. Pine Creek in Pinedale, Wyoming. Photographer: Kathy Kerback

13. August 20, 2023. Seminoe State Park. Photographer: Jerry Schumacher

12. July 15, 2023. Red Lodge, Montana. Photographer: Brenda Follweiller. Editor's note: We allowed this because it was taken from Clark, Wyoming.

11. September 9, 2023. Sundance, Wyoming. Photographer: Shannon Nehl

10. October 6, 2023. West of Rock Springs, Wyoming. Photographer: Stephanie Mullen writes, "Heading out to elk hunt west of Rock Springs. Spotted deer on a horizon."

9. September 11, 2023. Cody, Wyoming. Photographer: Dana Ruque.

8. September 6, 2023. Moosehead Ranch north of Jackson, Wyoming. Photographer: Matthew Borkon

7. August 16, 2023. Wapiti, Wyoming. Photographers: Jon and Rachel Langlois write, "Overlooking the Cody reservoir from our home in Wapiti Valley. We love the quiet grandeur! What a blessed view to wake up to!"

6. October 28, 2023. Near Clark, Wyoming. Photographer: Mike Morton writes, "I took this picture traveling west on Highway 294 heading toward Clark, Wyoming."

5. July 5, 2023. Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park. Photographers: Dan and Linda Webb write, "This caught the sun reflecting off the snowcaps just as it was cresting the horizon. Looks like fire."

4. August 8, 2023. Trapper Creek Canyon southeast of Greybull in the Bighorn Mountains. Photographer: Richard McConnaughey

3. August 4, 2023. Dubois, Wyoming. Photographer: Nancy Wolf

2. October 4, 2023. Devils Tower, Wyoming. Photographer: Ogden Driskill

1. August 21, 2023. Devils Tower, Wyoming. Photographer: Devils Tower Trading Post