Dennis Sun: North Pole Postal

’Twas the week before Christmas, the office was humming. The Roundup needed sent ‘cause Christmas was coming.

Dennis Sun

December 22, 20232 min read

Santa 12 23 23

North Pole Postal

By George and Hannah Bugas

’Twas the week before Christmas,

the office was humming.

The Roundup needed sent

‘cause Christmas was coming.

Of course, it’s December,

the weather turned polar.

A Don Day storm warning –

there’s an 1-80 closure.

The postal service called,

bad news – couldn't make it.

No mail will be delivered,

there is no way to take it.

The Roundup was frantic,

Andrea was a mess.

Would they get the paper out

if it couldn’t leave the press?

The pressure was mounting,

it was over the roof.

Hannah and Melissa were sweating

to get out the proof.

Jody and Denise worried

advertisements would suffer.

Without that good business,

times would surely be tougher.

Curt and Calli got angry,

sale reports needed to go out.

Isn’t there another way

to get the paper en route?

Dennis shouted out loud,

“This is out of control!

Should we look to that teamster

from the North Pole?”

“Old Santa?” she questioned.

Candice was clearly bemused.

“Isn’t he busy enough?

Will our request be refused?”

Right then, out of nowhere,

there came a loud knock.

Sadie dashed to the door

and stood frozen with shock.

It was old Claus himself,

much to their surprise.

He stood there so stoic,

then caught Dennis’ eyes.

“Your email seemed urgent,”

Santa said with a smile.

“Dennis, my old friend,

it’s been quite a while.”

“Last time I saw you

was at Stock Growers convention.”

“That’s right,” Dennis laughed.

“You drew quite the attention.”

Wide-eyed Roundup staffers

got quickly to action

and piled that sleigh full

to St. Nick’s satisfaction.

He grabbed up the ribbons

Ho, ho, ho, on my way!

I’ll make sure your readers

get their papers Christmas day.

Dennis smiled big and wide

as Santa rode out of sight.

“Merry Christmas Wyoming

and to all a goodnight.”



Dennis Sun

Agriculture Columnist