Wyoming Needs To Rally To Give This Dog A Merry Christmas

Black Dog Animal Rescue is guessing that Martha, a two-year old shepherd/pit bull mix, hasn't been adopted yet because she has a crooked face due to a birth defect or trauma. But she's been through an obedience program and is a happy little girl. We know someone in Wyoming can give her a forever home for Christmas.

Jimmy Orr

December 13, 20232 min read

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No dogs are homely. Ever.

Black Dog Animal Rescue, a tireless animal rescue facility in Cheyenne, put a heart-tugging headline on a press release it distributed on Tuesday.

“Wyoming’s Homeliest Dog To Spend Christmas Without A Home. Still.”

It’s an engaging headline as it will draw attention. It got our attention although we disagree with it completely.

Martha Is Perfect

This beautiful baby named Martha has a crooked face due to a birth defect or trauma, the folks at Black Dog said.

And that’s why Martha hasn’t been adopted yet, they speculated.

Usually dogs who have gone through the Preparing Adoptable Companion K9s (PACK) program sponsored by Black Dog and the Wyoming Medium Security Institution in Torrington jump to the top of the line.

This program puts stray dogs with inmates for nine weeks where they learn basic obedience, routine, structure, and a few tricks.

Martha graduated in August and now four months later, she’s still waiting for her forever home.

"No Beauty Contests"

“Is she going to win any beauty contests? Probably not,” said Emilee Intlekofer, the Executive Director of Black Dog.

“But, we all know it’s what’s inside that counts and Martha has loads of heart and personality to share,” Intlekofer said. “Her foster home and our staff absolutely adore her and would love nothing more than to see her find a home in time for the holiday.”

Martha is presumed to be a shepherd/pit bull mix and weighs about 70 pounds.

Black Dog recommends she be adopted by a family with older children and no cats.

We would adopt her here at Cowboy State Daily but we already have an office dog.

But we can do something to help and that is let our readers know about Martha in hopes that someone can give this precious dog a happy forever home.

Only $50 Adoption Fee

Because of a generous sponsorship, her adoption fee is only $50.

We know there is a loving family here in Wyoming who can give her a home.

If interested, call Black Dog Animal Rescue at 307.514.4024 or visit their website.

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Jimmy Orr can be reached at jimmy@cowboystatedaily.com.



Jimmy Orr

Executive Editor

A third-generation Wyomingite, Jimmy Orr is the executive editor and co-founder of Cowboy State Daily.