Dear editor,
Misgendering and conversion therapy are controversial topics - especially with school districts nationwide transitioning students unbeknownst to parents - and Biden’s administration/EEOC stating misgendering as workplace harassment. This is parental authority abuse and compelled speech, respectively.
No one “misgenders” another person. A male/female, stating he/she is a female/male is incorrectly appropriating the female/male sex is misgendering him/herself. Most, if not all people, aren’t intent on insulting/offending a “trans-person,” they’re simply stating biological fact.
Stating the biologic fact that males-are-male and females-are-female is stating the proper biology/sex/gender of the person in discussion. The “follow-the-science-(fiction)” mantra misused by the social/political Left in the gender wars is incorrect because science/nature has established only two sexes/genders.
In addition, no one is born in the wrong body. Each body is fully developed, with all organs and systems functioning in perfect harmony. There’s no anatomical mistake; the body is fine; it is the mind that is confused, as the trans community has stated. Thus, it is the mind that needs “gender-affirming-care” affirming the biologically born sex.
Paraphrasing God, “I created you…male and female,” meaning He gave no other options. The solution is to transform-the-mind toward the correct thinking, not to mutilate a perfectly formed and functioning body. An excellent book regarding these issues is “Return of the Gods” by Jonathan Kahn.
Which brings us to “Conversion Therapy.” It is the LGBTQ community that is using this approach to delude society-at-large, stating that the conversion of people experiencing same-sex attraction to heterosexuality amounts to abuse. There is no one-way-road here. If a person can discover they are gay, they can certainly discover that they are straight.
Every other unwanted attraction a person experiences (drugs, alcohol, pornography, workaholics, gambling, shopaholics, adrenaline-junkies, depression, anorexia, overeating, etc.) can all get “conversion therapy” (CT) to eliminate their unwanted attraction/addiction.
However, the LGBTQ community recoils at a person even talking to a counselor about this issue preferring homo-normativity vs hetero-normativity. Such CT resistance is not rational and does not follow current science and health best practices. One needs to recognize that the Left is pursuing a social/political agenda to reshape society into their image.
Steven M. Melia