Letter To The Editor: Forrest Chadwick Is A True Conservative

Dear editor: Forrest Chadwick is the epitome of the conservative hometown legislator Wyoming so desperately needs. Converse County stands tall and proud in support of our dedicated Representative who has taken on the radical left...

CSD Staff

October 13, 20234 min read

Forrest chadwick 10 14 23
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

 Dear editor:

When it comes to learning about our new freshman legislator, the first thing you need to know about Forrest Chadwick is that he is a true conservative. We have known Forrest for many decades as he has served our community and our state. He has always worked for what is best for Wyoming and applied our Wyoming conservative values to every situation. People that claim otherwise are either misinformed or engaged in an attempt to deceive you.

Let’s begin by examining Forrest’s actual record in the most recent legislative session, where he served his first year as a Wyoming legislator. This past session was perhaps the single most conservative legislature in the history of our state, and Forrest played a pivotal role in championing conservative principles and was a leader in enacting conservative policy.

First and foremost, take a look at the budget. The legislature passed a budget that can arguably be described as the most fiscally conservative budget in Wyoming’s history.  For every dollar of spending, almost $4.00 was put into savings. This legislature added $1.4 billion to our savings. Those long-term savings are so critical to Wyoming and serve as a protection from tax increases. In fact, the money earned from those savings accounts that have been created by our conservative legislators now save every Wyoming family $3,100 in taxes every budget cycle. That is $3,100 that stays in your pocket thanks to Forrest Chadwick and other conservatives like him.

Secondly, this legislature passed the widest sweeping pro-life legislation in the history of the State of Wyoming. Because of the hard work of Forrest and other conservative legislators, the legislature was able to pass protections for the unborn that has the best chance to survive a court challenge and that provides long lasting protections to Wyoming’s most vulnerable.

Lastly, Forrest voted for the most significant school choice reform we have ever seen in Wyoming.  This legislation paves the way for real options in education and clears the path to meaningful improvements in our education system, giving parents a louder voice.

Those are just three examples of the profound conservative changes enacted by our legislature and supported by Forrest Chadwick. Each one, on its own, is a monumental conservative achievement. Together, they represent the extraordinary progress for conservative action in our state.

Now, let’s address the out-of-state anonymous voices that are claiming otherwise. Why are they so angry?

The truth is, they are more concerned about performance than tangible results. They are more concerned about feeding their addiction to anger than making Wyoming a better place. 

Here in Wyoming, we’ve grown weary of the empty theatrics and political grandstanding that these groups are importing from Washington, DC.  Here at home in Wyoming, what we crave are facts, integrity, and an effort to make Wyoming better. Power hungry out of state interest groups that flat out lie or mislead Wyoming voters do not play well in Converse County. 

Forrest Chadwick is the epitome of the conservative hometown legislator Wyoming so desperately needs. Converse County stands tall and proud in support of our dedicated Representative who has taken on the radical left and stood tall as a conservative fighter. Well done, Forrest!


Kellie Clausen, Converse County Republican Precinct Committeewoman

Robert Clausen, Converse County Republican Precinct Committeeman

Michael Colling, Converse County Commissioner, Converse County Republican Precinct Committeeman

Becky Costantino, Converse County Republican Precinct Committeewoman, Past State GOP Chairman

Rhonda Dilts, Converse County Republican Precinct Committeewoman

Bob Russell, Converse County Republican Precinct Committeeman

Diemer True, Natrona County Republican Precinct Committeeman, Past State GOP Chairman

Jim Willox, Past State GOP Chairman

Aiden Wray, HD 62 voter



CSD Staff
