Dave Simpson: Hillary's Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

Columnist Dave Simpson writes, "I don't care if you disagree. I'm 72, too old to pretend this makes sense anymore. I didn't live my life like government operates in Washington – I saved - and you can't make me believe this kind of profligacy won't ultimately bring down our country."

Dave Simpson

October 09, 20234 min read

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(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dispatches from deepest (peaceful) Flyover Country:

- Ever wondered when the people in Washington who ran up a $33 trillion debt get described in the leftist mainstream media as “far left?”

Don't hold your breath. Not gonna happen.

That “far” prefix only applies to people like us, who continue to think that saddling our kids and grandkids with incomprehensible debt is selfish and despicable.

Same with “extreme.” Apparently it's extreme for us to think government could ever get along without borrowing  an additional 30 cents for every dollar it has in revenues. And don't expect open borders, abortion on demand, and reparations to ever be described as extreme. Apparently the word for all that is “progressive.”

 Extreme is reserved for us.

(I don't care if you disagree. I'm 72, too old to pretend this makes sense anymore. I didn't live my life like government operates in Washington – I saved -  and you can't make me believe this kind of profligacy won't ultimately bring down our country.)

Spending like this doesn't work at our kitchen tables – no new bass boat when you can't pay the rent – but it's business as usual for folks who tell us they've dedicated their lives to “public service.”

Public service my caboose. My wrinkly geriatric backside.

- Our Republicans are almost as bad as the Democrats when it comes to crazy spending. It takes two to tango to the tune of $33 trillion. But at least our guys have the common sense to lie about their spendthrift ways at election time. The Democrats call it “modern monetary theory,” which says (preposterously)  that what you spend needn't be limited by what you have available to spend. Don't Worry. Print money. Be Happy.

(Don't try this at home.)

- Our trans-coastal betters (I'm including Chicago here) think of us as “flyover country.” Lately I've been wondering which of the states that consider us The Big Empty is actually the dumbest state in the union.

So many options:

My native Illinois (don't hate me) no longer requires cash bond, and wonders why they have so much crime. (!) The new mayor of Chicago – even more liberal than the hopelessly liberal Lori Lightfoot – calls rampaging teens storming high-end stores good kids who just  need to be understood.

They plan to erect temporary housing (tents) in city parks to house illegal immigrants streaming into their “sanctuary city.”  Imagine living in a tent in February in Chicago. (Actually, frostbite might be the one thing that could drive illegal immigrants back south.)

In New York, a guy with over 60 previous arrests stabbed to death a liberal activist, then spat in his grieving girlfriend's face. The victim's best friend said the killer didn't get enough support from government, and that explains his heinous act. When do prosecutors and judges get held accountable for letting a guy go 60 times before he murders someone?

And when do the moon calves begin to question their sanctuary city designations?

How about Massachusetts, where elite Harvard snaps up train wrecks like Lori Lightfoot, Brian Stelter and Bill de Blasio to teach students at our most elite university? Imagine saving all your life to send your kid to Harvard and be taught by two spectacularly failed mayors and a guy who got fired from CNN.

 I say California is the dumbest state in the union, and hold up San Francisco and Los Angeles as proof, where taking drugs and dropping trou on public streets are routine behaviors, ransacking convenience stores is no problem unless you take more than $950 in plunder, prosecutors refuse to come to the aid of residents and business owners, and taxes are sky high. It's the perfect storm of stupid out there.

- And then we have Hillary Clinton, who last week said people like us need to undergo “formal deprogramming,” because “cult members” like us are appalled by the skyrocketing debt, can't believe we've opened our borders to millions of illegal immigrants, can't walk safely down the street in our big cities, and don't want a guy parading around naked in our daughter's locker room.

Good luck deprogramming common sense out of us, Hillary.

Like they said in “Jaws,” she's “gonna need a bigger boat.”

Dave Simpson can be reached at: DaveSimpson145@Hotmail.com

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Dave Simpson

Political, Wyoming Life Columnist

Dave has written a weekly column about a wide variety of topics for 39 years, winning top columnist awards in Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois and Nebraska.