Letter to the Editor: Wyoming Ranchers Are Stooping Pretty Low

Dear editor: "You all should be ashamed to call yourself ranchers. The end game is no cows for you and you are falling lockstep in line to regulate yourself out of business one little compromise at a time."

September 14, 20231 min read

Cow mask 9 15 23

Dear editor:

Regarding 'Labeling Beef ‘Low Carbon’ Could Open Premium Market for Wyoming Ranchers'

It sounds like some Wyoming beef ranchers are stooping pretty low to want to feed the very hands that vote to put these stupid government regulations in place that will eventually put them out of business.

For a Wyoming rancher to even believe in all this carbon bovine excrement about “climate change” just amazes me. They must not read Cowboy State Daily.

Your compliance to the greenhouse emissions scheme is nothing short of you bending over and taking it in the posterior from the federal government regulators.

You all should be ashamed to call yourself ranchers.

The end game is no cows for you and you are falling lockstep in line to regulate yourself out of business one little compromise at a time.

I'd never choose or want to buy a "low carbon steak" or any of that test tube or lab created garbage.

Let those guilt-ridden carnivore consumers that want these "low carbon" steaks eat what they deserve some plant-based vegan, "I can't believe it's not meat" soy substitute.

Arman Kluehe

Redmond, Oregon