Guest Column: The Uniparty Doesn't Share Our Priorities

Rep. Bill Allemand writes, "Rather than find ways to protect Wyoming citizens and maximize their own savings, the Uniparty seems more interested in its own priorities and pet projects."

CSD Staff

September 06, 20232 min read

Allemand 9 6 23

Over the past several days, Wyoming legislative leadership has been bragging about the size of Wyoming's bank account. 

The last time I checked, our state government is not a business run for profit. If it were, it would have to give some of those profits back to its shareholders, which, in this case, would be we the taxpayers. 

Instead, the Uniparty dumped $1.4 billion into savings accounts controlled by elitists who hate oil and gas. Go figure.

Rather than find ways to protect Wyoming citizens and maximize their own savings, the Uniparty seems more interested in its own priorities and pet projects. 

During just the last legislative session, the Uniparty was more focused than ever on spending more money, going so far as to propose a new painting in the Capitol for a whopping $750,000. 

The Wyoming Freedom Caucus stopped that wasteful proposal, but we weren’t able to stop all of their expensive ideas.

It seems that the Uniparty is starting to realize that their ideas are not very popular with the people of Wyoming. That’s why they have resorted to lies. One of their lies is about my bill, House Bill 116. 

House Bill 116 would have prevented China, Russia, and other state sponsors of terror from owning agricultural land within the state of Wyoming. 

Each of Wyoming’s neighboring states has already taken this same step, excluding liberal Colorado. 

In an attempt to kill my bill without having to publicly vote no on it, Uniparty member Barry Crago added an unnecessary appropriation of $5 million to it, sending the bill to the Appropriations Committee, the Uniparty’s favorite place to kill bills.

There, the Uniparty committee did just as it was set up to do, and added a $100 million appropriation to my bill for no reason, sending it into the dustbin without ever having to vote on its merits. 

They do this because they don’t want to vote for it, and they know that you want them to.

Representative Bill Allemand HD 58

Proud member of the Freedom Caucus



CSD Staff
