Letter To The Editor: CSD Downplayed Transgender Tennis Controversy

Dear editor: "Leo Wolfson’s article soft-pedaled the controversy over Brooklyn Ross participating as a woman in the Governor’s Cup tennis tournament. Wolfson quotes Ross saying that only a few Wyoming citizens objected to the participation of transgendered males in a women’s tournament..."

August 05, 20232 min read

Brooklyn 8 4 23
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

Leo Wolfson’s article "Citing Safety, Transgender Tennis Player Withdraws From Wyoming Governor’s Cup," soft-pedaled the controversy over Brooklyn Ross participating as a woman in the Governor’s Cup tennis tournament. Wolfson quotes Ross saying that only a few Wyoming citizens objected to the participation of transgendered males in a women’s tournament, but that Ross decided to withdraw to avoid “a circus” and “protests and opposition” that might result in cancellation of the tournament.

Ross’s first statement is unsubstantiated and appears at odds with the second statement. 

I support and admire Jackie Fulkrod’s stand against males competing in women’s sports.  If more women athletes refused to compete against men this would stop. 

We live in an era of overwhelming narcissism, where the watchword for decades has been I want what I want when I want it, and if you don’t give it to me you’re mean, hateful, racist, or one of the various phobes.  

But going along to get along is a tricky path to take, because the more you acquiesce to the demands of the radical Left, the more difficult it becomes to draw the line on indecent, even criminal, behavior. 

Pornography approved for our school libraries? Leering, hulking 200-plus pound males admitted as sorority members?

Male, fully intact athletes allowed to shower and dress with women? The results of officials advocating for such behavior is evident all across our country. Women repeatedly raped in prisons, girls raped in high schools. Children molested by teachers. 

But how can anyone possibly complain when all these (name the offended group)  are asking for is “dignity” and "safety" and a chance to "raise awareness"?

Enough. Wyoming needs to draw the line. This is monstrous. And we are not “a few.”


Candace Bowen

Dubois, Wyoming