Dear editor: It would be a real shame to lose that Green River terminal building.
Something I saw done in Cedar City, Utah was the building was turned into a group of indoor shops. This worked out very well and I believe is still functional today 50 years later.
In the case of Green River, I could see a restaurant at the east end called either the Puffer Belly or Ol 4014 as either a breakfast lunch place or a full on restaurant with a major change at dinner serving fin fur and feather (fancy dinner).
At the other end of the building a good Mexican restaurant in between the two ends shops, art gallery, music store, computer shop, cell phone shop etc./ Up stairs offices ,law CPA, computer etc.
On the very top in what appears to be the dispatch switching booth, with a great view of the tracks, depending on the size, a classical wine /beer bar or an intimate dinning area to be serviced by either restaurant.
It would be a terrible wast to see that building destroyed.
Jerome Janisse