Sweetwater County GOP Chair Runs For Vice Chair Of Wyoming Republican Party On Ticket Opposing Eathorne

Elizabeth Bingham, who’s chaired the Sweetwater County Republican Party since 2019, said the state GOP needs unity and new leadership and believes she and chairman candidate Frank Moore can deliver that.

Leo Wolfson

April 30, 20234 min read

Elizabeth Bingham 4 29 23
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

The chairperson of the Sweetwater County Republican Party wants to step into a leadership role at the statewide level, entering the Wyoming GOP elections next Saturday in Jackson.

Elizabeth Bingham has announced she’s running for vice chair of the Wyoming Republican Party. Bingham is running against Vice Chair David Holland, who has served in the role since 2019 and is seeking a third term.

Bingham is running in support of chairman candidate Frank Moore, who is taking on two-term chairman Frank Eathorne. She believes Moore is the candidate who can help mend a deeply divided party.

“A true leader has a vision and uses it to motivate and inspire others to reach their goals, and Frank Moore is a true leader and I’m proud to stand by him,” she said.

A Package Deal

Bingham said she and Moore are running as a single ticket slate, a practice she said is common in many party elections.

Bingham said she made plans a few months ago to get more involved in politics and the Republican Party. When Moore called her a few days ago to explain his vision of leadership, she realized running for vice chair would be the best way to accomplish this.

“He is the true conservative in this race and I am ready to partner with him to focus on electing Republicans and uniting our party,” she said.

Bingham said being a true conservative isn’t just about talking the talk, but also walking and living the walk. She said Moore shares this vision.

“I think that Frank (Moore) has the integrity that is needed,” she said. “True leaders show integrity and in all aspects of their life, they take responsibility for their actions and expect the same from others and are willing to listen to what others have to say, both positive and negative.”

Who Is Bingham?

Bingham has lived in Wyoming and Rock Springs for more than 18 years. She became a Sweetwater County GOP Committee precinctwoman prior to 2016 and has served as chair of the county party for the last three years.

“I’ve been fighting for conservative causes in Sweetwater County for years and I care deeply about this state,” she said.

Bingham has served as chair during a time of strong Republican growth in her county. For the first time in the county’s history, there are no Democrats representing Sweetwater in the Wyoming Legislature. There also is only one local elected official remaining who is a Democrat.

Bingham also touted her efforts fighting a little-publicized special purpose tax that was proposed in Sweetwater in 2021. She said the county’s turnout to vote on the tax was much higher than in other counties that considered similar taxes. The measure was defeated with a resounding margin.

State Of The Party

Eathorne has overseen the party during a time of overwhelming Republican dominance in state politics, but also a growing divide within its ranks.

A few lawsuits were filed in recent years involving the state party and various county parties, and some notable former members stepped down because of Eathorne’s leadership.

Bingham said the state party can be made more approachable for the average Republican voter by simplifying the party’s practices and procedures through clear communication.

When Moore takes on Eathorne on Saturday, he will face a formidable opponent supported by a solid contingency of the party. Bingham feels confident that she and Moore will be elected, saying the party is looking for change from a new slate of conservative leaders.

“I think we have a great chance,” she said. “People are looking for a change. but they want to see a true conservative and Frank Moore is that person."



Leo Wolfson

Politics and Government Reporter