Riverton Resident Finds Dead Body That Had Been Exposed For Weeks On Riverbank

A Riverton resident who spent Sunday morning outside discovered a man's body on the bank of the Wind River that has apparently been exposed to the elements for weeks or months. 

Clair McFarland

April 26, 20231 min read

The Wind River winds through west-central Wyoming.
The Wind River winds through west-central Wyoming. (Getty Images)

A person out walking in Riverton Sunday found a body on the riverbank, which had been out in the elements for weeks, according to the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office.  

The pedestrian called law enforcement at 11 a.m. to report seeing a dead man on the bank of the Wind River south of Riverton, reads a sheriff’s statement dispatched Wednesday morning.  

“It was apparent that the body had been out there for quite some time,” the statement says.  

Investigators initially have found no indications of foul play.  

The Fremont County Coroner’s Office and Sheriff’s Office are investigating.   

Fremont County Coroner Erin Ivie was not immediately available for comment



Clair McFarland

Crime and Courts Reporter