Letter To The Editor: The Secret To A Long Marriage Is Division Of Duties

Dear editor: I have been The Wife for 60 years.  My 1962 wedding dress cost $25.  The secret to a long marriage? 

March 15, 20231 min read

Coffee 3 15 23
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

The following letter was sent in regards to columnist Dave Simpson’s latest column: “I’ve Been Married Longer Than Most Murderers Spend In Prison


I have been The Wife for 60 years.  My 1962 wedding dress cost $25.  The secret to a long marriage? 

Division of duties:  He takes out the garbage.  I empty the dishwasher.  But leave some room for change. 

About a year ago The Husband began getting out of bed in the mornings before me–usurping my coffee-making duty.  I let this go on for a few weeks before making a “gentle” comment about it. 

He hung his head and admitted that he was liking the coffee a little stronger than I had been making it for 60 years. 

I smiled, added a little more French Vanilla in my cup, and said, “You know honey, I love laying under the warm covers and smelling that coffee brewing”.  It works.

Bonnie Morley
Sheridan, Wyoming