Letter To The Editor: Sommers, Gordon Not Listening To Will Of The Wyoming People

Dear editor: If, with regard to social legislation, some of our leaders have a pause to finding conservative solutions for progressive problems, they should just say so, rather than hiding behind a newly woven mantle of Wyoming isolationism.

March 10, 20232 min read

Collage Maker 09 Mar 2023 06 45 PM 7407
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear Editor:

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main,” the poet wrote.

In single-handedly killing conservative social legislation that was important to a majority of the State Senate and a likely majority of the State House, the Speaker said the legislation did not “solve a Wyoming problem with a Wyoming solution.”

At the end of the legislative session, our Governor expressed concern about conservative social legislation that did not “focus on finding Wyoming solutions for Wyoming problems.”

Wyoming is not “an island entire of itself.”  Our Governor has recognized that by directing his Attorney General to intervene in numerous lawsuits brought by other conservative states that push back against aggressive progressive federal policies.

When problems such as the sexualization of American children (without parental involvement) and the perversion of American history are foisted upon the nation by those with destructive national objectives, Wyoming is not spared.  Why pretend that we are, and then resist solutions to national problems that other conservative states are pursuing?

If, with regard to social legislation, some of our leaders have a pause to finding conservative solutions for progressive problems, they should just say so, rather than hiding behind a newly woven mantle of Wyoming isolationism.


Richard Honaker
Rock Springs, Wyoming