Letter To The Editor: Quit Blaming Landowners For Access To Public Lands

Dear Editor: Regarding Sabrina King's letter. You obviously have never owned or managed  private property. Its not that simple. Your bull elk story has two sides Im sure.

March 02, 20232 min read

No trespassing 1 24 23
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear Editor

Per Sabrina King’s letter:

Yes Sabrina, for many decades access to both private and public lands has been a problem. No new news there.

Technology has really helped identify where in the heck you are for people that have trouble with that.

Sure, as always let’s blame those nasty landowners. Let’s not even mention all the ridiculous regulations the Federal agencies have imposed to stop our access to public lands. You obviously have never owned or managed  private property. It’s not that simple. Your bull elk story has two sides I’m sure.

As we speak, some parts of Wyoming are experiencing unprecedented severe  winter conditions. With operating costs for agriculture and other associated negative influences landowners need help.

Have you and Backcountry H&A offered your help to anyone?  Perhaps you may see a difference in access if you put some of your time in the game and realize what goes on In wyoming.

Your letter was just another one with no solutions.  Been going on for decades.

You do have me confused.

Am I understanding correctly that the Back country to “Backcountry Hunters and Anglers”  is school sections???

John Branca

Jackson wyoming