Dear Editor:
Who’s afraid of Elizabeth Cheney?
I doubt that it is fear of a January 6th investigation or fear of Liz Cheney that concerns the Republicans.
It is the lack of “due process,” in the Jacobin atmosphere of the Washington D.C. elite and considering it is probably wise to fear.
Liz Cheney’s voting 90% of the time with President Trump does not make her a conservative any more than voting with him 100% of the time would make him a conservative. Go to Govtrack congressional votes database, check the voting record of all Cheney’s votes and judge for yourself how she has voted.
Liberty Score by Conservative Review gives Cheney an F rating in what it considers a 53% conservative record due to her voting. My personal opinion is; she just as well be in the Democratic Party, even though it is often difficult to tell the party differences.
What if Biden had said “Clinton won the 2016 election.” Would I have been outraged? The answer to that is, NO. Would I have thought it was ludicrous? Yes! I certainly wouldn’t have thought his saying so was illegal.
Do I think Hillary Clinton’s refusal to accept the results “triggered” the Nov. 2016 protests and riots across the country? It would be as absurd to believe she “triggered” those as it is to believe anything President Trump said “triggered” the Jan. 6th Capital riot. The legal system in this country used to hold people accountable for their actions not their beliefs.
I don’t know the 2020 election was stolen but then I don’t know that it wasn’t either. I know there is something not lining up with the narrative the establishment is trying to promote and until it is properly vetted I will remain a skeptic.
The Wyoming voter knows the Jan. 6th Committee is a sham, they are skeptical of the election results, and quite aware of the “Due Process Clause” of the United States Constitution and have an awareness of “procedural due process” requiring government officials to follow.
It does not exempt Congressional Officials. Article I of the Constitution does not give Congress the authority to be an investigating agency outside of legislative investigation or pertaining to its own members. Any outside Tribunals are subject to the Supreme Court.
Liz Cheney maintains she is “standing up for the Constitution” and all her new found friends keep parroting kudos but as Mark Levin says, “What constitution is she wrapping herself in, the 1930’s Soviet constitution?”
Lee Groshart, Encampment, WY