President Joe Biden embarrassed the nation last week while attending a climate conference in Scotland, U.S. Sen. John Barrasso said.
“Joe Biden and a large entourage of Democrats from the House and the Senate and his cabinet all jetting off to Europe to a climate conference and for what purpose?” Barrasso said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. “What did he do there? He pledged allegiance to the flag of the United Nations instead of to the flag of the United States. He basically apologized for America.”
Last week, numerous world leaders gathered for the United Nations’ COP26 climate summit to discuss ways to address climate change.
According to NBC News, the Biden administration used the summit to encourage oil-rich countries such as China and Russia to produce more as energy prices in the United States continue to rise.
The outlet also reported that Biden was criticized by some climate experts for encouraging oil production, rather than using the moment to break away from oil dependency and transition to clean energy.
Barrasso said Biden was “begging” Russia and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to produce more energy even as energy prices in the United States climb because of Biden “killing” the Keystone XL pipeline project.
“These guys are climate hypocrites,” he said. “Their carbon footprint for going to this conference was so much larger than Vladimir Putin’s or President Xi of China because they stayed home.
Last week, Barrasso sent a letter to Biden, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttitieg, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen asking them how much travel would cost and for details on the carbon “footprint” of the trip to Glasgow.
He still has not gotten an answer to his questions, he noted in his Sunday appearance, but added that the conference was the most expensive climate summit in history.