Dave Simpson: So Much For ‘Bringing Us Together’

If you were surprised to learn that a person who once assisted people who spiked trees to endanger loggers now heads the Bureau of Land Management, you might be even more surprised to learn who has been nominated by feisty President Joe Biden to be comptroller of the nation's banking system:

Dave Simpson

October 13, 20214 min read

Dave Simpson headshot
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

More entries to the “Who’d A Thunk It?/You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” file:

– If you were surprised to learn that a person who once assisted people who spiked trees to endanger loggers now heads the Bureau of Land Management, you might be even more surprised to learn who has been nominated by feisty President Joe Biden to be comptroller of the nation’s banking system:

A person who wants to dismantle the private banking system, so that the Federal Reserve would hold all bank accounts. A person who wants a central bank digital currency, like Venezuela and China are adopting. A person who deleted her masters thesis, “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in the Capital” from her resume, and refuses to give a copy to the Senate committee considering her nomination.

A graduate of Moscow State University who attended on a Vladimir Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. (Now there’s a school Wyoming won’t be meeting on the gridiron anytime soon. You never see t-shirts from that school around town.)

That person would be Professor Sarle Omarova of Cornell University.

And here you thought the plan to make banks report all transactions over $600 in your account to the feds was extreme. Kind of pales in comparison to China/Venezuela-like digital currency, don’t you think?

This from the man who promised to bring America together, to have us eating S’mores and singing Kum Bah Yah around the campfire. This from the president who was going to bring “the adults in the room” back to Washington.

No, the Bureau of Land Management head (Tracy Stone-Manning) and now this comptroller nominee reveal the true in-your-face nature of the Biden Administration, courtesy of the most ardent nut-ball extremists of the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

Makes you wonder what comes next, don’t it?

– Also along the lines of the In-Your-Face Movement is the revelation last week from Attorney General Merrick Garland that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will now be turning its attention to parents who kick up a fuss at school board meetings.

Now, instead of getting in dutch with the school security guard, or a local cop, sheriff or prosecutor for speaking your mind too enthusiastically, you could be in trouble with J. Edgar Hoover’s G-men and G-women. (G-persons?)


Maybe you thought it was a good thing that parents are showing up at school board meetings across the country, getting involved in their kid’s education, showing community involvement. After all, haven’t we been scolded for years for not getting more involved in our pubic schools?

Not, however, if you plan to ask icky questions about what they’re teaching your kids. Or if you have a politically incorrect opinion about masks or vaccines. Or if you want your kids to have a choice about vaccines, like some teachers do.

(I’m glad the FBI wasn’t involved when I attended school board meetings back in Illinois, trying to stand up for retired folks on fixed incomes attempting to hold onto their homes in the face of property tax increases. A school superintendent once told me he thought the schools might be able to get along on annual increases of twice the rate of inflation, but it would be tough. Twice what that guy trying to hold on to the family home gets in Social Security increases. Think about that.)

Mind your manners, Mom and Dad, when you attend a school board meeting. The attorney general, school authorities, the teachers unions, and now the FBI are watching, and they’re not amused by your antics.

And to think, Garland could have ended up on the Supreme Court.

– And then, of course, there’s the frantic full-court press by the Nuts in Congress Caucus to heap $3.5 trillion on top of the trillions already spent on every crazy rat hole Bernie Sanders and his wild-eyed pals can pound borrowed dollars down. Except Bernie doesn’t think $3.5 trillion is nearly enough. Think about that, too.

And the message from Dissembling Joe: He doesn’t care what you think. Get used to it, pal. Suck it up. Elections have consequences.

Together is about the last place these adults in the room are bringing us.

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Dave Simpson

Political, Wyoming Life Columnist

Dave has written a weekly column about a wide variety of topics for 39 years, winning top columnist awards in Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois and Nebraska.