Liz Cheney: Impeachment Vote Was Of Conscience, Not Politics

Congresswoman Liz Cheney on Wednesday said her vote to impeach President Trump had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with her conscience.

January 14, 20213 min read

Liz cheney headshot 2 1
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Congresswoman Liz Cheney on Wednesday said her vote to impeach President Trump had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with her conscience.

Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the U.S. House, was one of 10 Republicans who cast a vote for Trump’s impeachment and has subsequently received much criticism in some Republican circles for that action.

Speaking with Wyoming reporters following the historic vote, Cheney dismissed a question about her political future stating that there are moments when leaders have to put aside politics.

“There are times when those of us as elected officials are called on to act in a way that does not take politics into consideration,” she said. “Dealing with something as serious and as grave as the attack on the Capitol is one of those times.”

Earlier in the day Cheney told reporters that she was not concerned with calls from some House Freedom Caucus Republicans calling for her resignation.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

Cheney said it wouldn’t have made any difference to her whether the president was a Republican or Democrat, her vote would have been the same under similar circumstances.

“I think it’s it’s important that no matter what party we belong to, we all recognize that insurrection and sedition,” she said.  “Those are things that that, you know, tear at the very heart of our Republic, and those are things that cannot be tolerated.” 

Cheney emphasized the gravity of the situation many times during the 15-minute phone call, mentioning that the vote to impeach was done with a “heavy heart” but adding that for her, there was no other option.

The sight of U.S. troops sleeping in the Capitol, she said, reminded her of historical passages during the Civil War when troops were housed in the building.

“It’s a moment of real peril,” she said. “It’s a moment when it’s important for all of us to recognize that our Republic is very fragile and that we all have an obligation to ensure we’re doing everything we’re compelled to do by our oath to ensure the survival of the Republic.”

Cheney sounded an optimistic note for Republicans when discussing life after the inauguration.

She said she was putting together alternatives to Biden Administration policies and was looking forward to reclaiming control of the House.

“I’m laying out an agenda and a positive agenda for for the future. And it’ll be one that will allow us to win the majority back in two years. And so you know, that that’s what I’m focused on,” she said.

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