Dan Brophy: Privilege – Our Wyoming Federal Delegation And The Rest Of Us

Guest columnist Dan Brophy writes: "If you wish to ask Rep Cheney or Senators Barrasso or Enzi to explain why they ignore the evidence of fraud, try calling their offices, only to get no answer or no honest reply from a staffer."

Dan Brophy

December 31, 20205 min read

Brophy headshot scaled
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Wyoming citizens have the privilege of three federal representatives (John Barrasso, Liz Cheney, Mike Enzi, and soon to be Cynthia Lummis) who hold more power in Washington per person and per square mile than any state other than Alaska.

That privilege is reciprocal – our federal delegates represent a population no bigger than that of a medium-sized American city. Easy home state duty compared to their colleagues. Privilege all around.

In these circumstances, shouldn’t communication with constituents be open and flow easily?

After all, each member of our delegation has staff in multiple offices across the state. Shouldn’t our messages get through to our representatives? Shouldn’t we reasonably expect prompt and honest replies?

Senators from California, Texas, Florida, New York must respond to millions of constituents; Senators Barrasso and Enzi must respond to 560,000, a fraction of the demand on their colleagues.

Rep. Cheney must respond to about half the number of constituents as almost all her House colleagues. All three have large staffs in DC and ample staff here. Privilege.

Wyoming voted 70 percent in favor of President Donald Trump. Polling is expensive and rare in Wyoming, outside election campaigns.

So, grant me a guess, based on my personal circle of contacts, to say that 80 percent of those Trump voters believe the Biden victory in six swing states came about through fraud. 

I don’t have to prove the accuracy of my guess – a percentage error is irrelevant. Factually, there is no question Trump voters here and nationwide are convinced of widespread fraud.

Don’t read the so-called Mainstream Media outlets (whose bias, suppression and censorship are increasingly making themselves into Side Channel Rivulets).

The story of voter outrage reveals itself in giant rivers of commentary on Parler, Twitter, Facebook (when it escapes censorship), and in dozens of new podcasts and websites which gain subscribers in the hundreds of thousands by the day.

One fairly new podcast boasts 25 million downloads, up more than nine million in five weeks. The conviction of fraud is implanted indelibly in the mind of about half of the American citizenry.

Returning to privilege: our princely Washington delegation have all declared publicly that Biden is “President-elect.” They have loudly congratulated him in public for his “victory.”

To them, what of facts like 200,000 more votes in Pennsylvania than registered voters? What of videos from Atlanta showing suitcases of ballots retrieved and counted multiple times in voting machines starting within minutes of Republican observers being ordered to leave.

What of tens of thousands of dead people voting in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin; more tens of thousands of votes in these and other states, cast by persons no longer living in the locations of their registration. I could go on for 50 pages, but you already know.

In my small circles, I could name dozens of Wyoming friends who are infuriated by the fraud, who are now even more infuriated by the public statements of Cheney, Barrasso, Enzi, and, yes, Senator-elect Lummis. Count me among them.

Like me, these people all have tried fruitlessly to communicate with our delegates to express their anger, to demand they recognize the mountains of accumulating evidence of fraud, to ask them to rescind their support.

Just like me, they have encountered the firewalls which suppress direct accountability. If you can’t get the message through, did you even leave it?

If you wish to ask Rep Cheney or Senators Barrasso or Enzi to explain why they ignore the evidence of fraud, try calling their offices, only to get no answer or no honest reply from a staffer.

Reach out in writing, but you may only submit comment on a form – forget direct communication of past years, “that’s so yesterday.”

We must presume these messages go to staffs instructed to filter the few (perhaps large donors?) deserving a direct personal response (which includes not a single person within our circles) and those who get the bland, non-genuine form-letter reply.

Heck, I didn’t even get a form letter reply to throw away. No replies, no explanations, nothing due to people like me, who believe we are witnessing the theft of our country in front of our eyes. 

For our DC representatives, it’s “we see nothing, that means you see nothing, so let’s all just move along…”

Privilege extends only so far with Wyoming voters. We still see our federal representatives as servants of the people who elected them. Public servants in the traditional meaning of this term.

The question now in my mind is whether our representatives see us as public servants in the new sense of that term – the public serves them. The plumb line is unfortunately tilting in the direction of that new sense.

So, Rep. Cheney,  Sen. Barrasso, Sen. Enzi (and now, Sen.-elect Lummis): since you have all reached your conclusion that the fraud, of which we are all convinced, does not exist, that “there is no evidence,” let’s do things the old Wyoming way.

Tell us why. Publicly, openly. Give us YOUR evidence. Explain to us why our frantic concerns have no validity. Tell us what you know that we don’t. Explain that you asked the Trump legal team to brief you on their evidence, or if you did not make this request, exactly WHY you did not. 

Duty and obligation accompany privilege. We see you living under the umbrella of your privilege. Now step outside it and do your duty to us, your constituents who awarded you the privilege of your office. January 6 is a few days away. Tell us today.

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Dan Brophy
