Two Republicans; Two Different Opinions on Trump Election Results

Wyoming State Rep. Landon Brown and incoming State Rep. Chip Neiman are worlds apart over President Trump's election results.

November 23, 20202 min read

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(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

One Republican member of the Wyoming House of Representatives and one incoming Republican member of the Wyoming House of Representatives expressed two very different opinions about what is happening with the presidential election results.

Rep. Landon Brown of Cheyenne chastised President Donald Trump’s attempts to challenge election results in various key states, such as Georgia and Pennsylvania.

“It’s time to stop the show,” he wrote on Twitter. “Either we have evidence of fraud so widespread and convincing that it changed the election results or not.”

Brown called on Trump’s legal team to either prove the claims of election fraud or to accept that he lost to former Vice President Joe Biden.

He then shared the tweet to his Facebook page, elaborating on his message.

“It’s not healthy for America to not have a successful transfer of power. I had my doubts as well, but I’m starting to grow weary of these claims without evidence,” he wrote.

However, Rep.-Elect Chip Neiman (Sundance) didn’t agree with his future colleague, chastising comments from Wyoming officials such as U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, who echoed Brown’s sentiments, albeit on a much larger stage.

“Wyoming’s overwhelming support of President Trump must be reflected by our congressional delegation,” he wrote. “Thank God President Trump is fighting for free and fair elections.”

“With all we have seen and been through now is not the time to just accept and get on with business,” he said. “Even the early information that our votes could potentially be manipulated by foreign companies as we out source our counting of votes, is mind boggling. It sounds as though it has been going on for some time.”

He said that Trump needed the delegation’s full support, not hesitation.

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