Liz Cheney: Nancy Pelosi Dishonored the House; She Owes America An Apology

Rep. Liz Cheney said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi owes the American people an apology for tearing up the State of the Union following the president's address.

February 06, 20202 min read

Liz Cheney headshot
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi owes the American people an apology for her actions at the end of the State of the Union address Tuesday night.

Cheney, appearing on FOX News on Wednesday, was referring to Pelosi ripping in half the State of the Union address immediately following the conclusion of President Trump’s remarks.

“She owes the American people an apology,” Cheney said. “That’s an official document of the House of Representatives and she brought dishonor on the House of Representatives.

“She is the one who owes the people an apology,” she said.

Cheney also said Speaker Pelosi should apologize to America for her actions during the impeachment trial.

“She absolutely abandoned her oath to the Constitution,” she said.

When asked if she thought Democrats might attempt to impeach the president again, Cheney said she wouldn’t be surprised.

“I think it helps us [the Republican Party] every time Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi are on television,” Cheney said. “I want them on more.”

She said when the public sees them discussing “never-ending investigation and never-ending impeachment” that it will bolster Republican turnout in the November election.

“The American people see why elections matter so much and they see why it’s so important that we get the majority back,” she said.

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