Letter To The Editor: Sportsmen’s Organizations Ask Legislature To Conserve Kelly Parcel

Dear editor: We ask that the Wyoming Legislature authorize the Office of State Lands and Investments to generate a windfall for public education while conserving the parcel by conveying it to Grand Teton National Park.

February 16, 20242 min read

Grand teton national park 2 16 24

Dear editor:

The below-signed sportspeople’s organizations have a shared interest in conserving Wyoming’s fish, wildlife, habitat, and outdoor opportunities for present and future generations.

 Surrounded on three sides by Grand Teton National Park (GTNP), The Kelly Parcel (T43N R115W Sec. 36) sits on crucial elk winter range as well as a few elk migration paths and is centrally located and important to the northern portion of the path of the pronghorn.

It is also located in a Wild and Scenic designated portion of the Gros Ventre watershed and is home to native Snake River cutthroat trout. This iconic parcel is a gateway to the National Park and the Bridger Teton National Forest, an area loved by Wyomingites and visitors alike.

We ask that the Wyoming Legislature authorize the Office of State Lands and Investments to generate a windfall for public education while conserving the parcel by conveying it to GTNP.

There was broad community support for this proposal from over 9000 Wyoming citizens who submitted public comments and attended community meetings hosted by the OSLI across the state in Cody, Cheyenne, Casper, and Jackson.

Revenue from selling the parcel at $100 million as referenced in section 300 of the budget bill will return $69.6 million in the first 10 years while also ensuring that the migration corridors, seasonal habitat, and opportunities for recreation, including an elk hunt via the Elk Reduction Program, will remain in perpetuity.

Please support this high return on investment that is a clear win for Wyoming children, families, and taxpayers; a victory for Wyoming policymakers; a triumph for the park that Wyomingites treasure; and further solidifies Grand Teton’s place as one of our country’s most iconic national parks. 


Jessi Johnson

Government Affairs Director

Wyoming Wildlife Federation

Josh Metten

Wyoming Field Manager

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

Leah Burgess

Senior Conservation Program Manager

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Josh Coursey


Muley Fanatic Foundation

Marie Neumiller

Senior Coordinator, Northwest States

Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation

Katie Cheesbrough

Executive Director

Wyoming Wildsheep Foundation

Bryan Jones

Colorado/Wyoming Coordinator

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

Leslie Steen

Wyoming State Director

Trout Unlimited

Joe Kondelis


American Bear Foundation