Letter To The Editor: Cody Roberts Not Indicative Of Wyoming

Dear editor: [Cody Roberts] is an extremely small percentage of the people who hunt here, that do these despicable acts of cruelty. I’ve lived here my entire life and have never heard of anyone doing anything like this before.

April 19, 20241 min read

Cody roberts 4 18 24
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

What this sick chap did to that wolf is unconscionable but not indicative of Wyoming hunters and fishing people that follow and understand the honor of hunting and fishing in Wyoming. 

He is an extremely small percentage of the people who hunt here, that do these despicable acts of cruelty. I’ve lived here my entire life and have never heard of anyone doing anything like this before. 

This sicko chap doesn’t get it. I don’t believe he needs jail time, however a bigger fine might injure him in the pocketbook, but a thorough education on treating animals with respect, honor and dignity.

My husband is an avid Hunter in Wyoming and was taught from a child to have those values when it came to hunting and fishing.

This guy, Cody Roberts, needs that education. Bigger fine to hit him where it hurts and a long education on the right way to hunt and maybe an apology to the law abiding and honorable citizens of Wyoming. 

Thank you for your time, 


Coty Amen 

Casper, Wyoming 

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