Letter To The Editor: We Need To Know More About The Wolf Incident

Editor: "Thank you for publishing the April 6 story. Your paper exposed the horrific torture of a wolf and in 24 hours, unknown numbers of people learned about this shocking incident, again thanks to your paper's article."

April 08, 20242 min read

Wyoming wolf pack Getty
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing the April 6 story by Greg Johnson and Mark Heinz. Your paper exposed the horrific torture of a wolf by Cody Roberts and in 24 hours, unknown numbers of people learned about this shocking incident, again thanks to your paper's article. By now it has been shared with the world.

The Cowboy State Daily is on fire! Millions of people in this country (hunters and birdwatchers) support wildlife conservation and protections. We need to know more about this incident and about Wyoming's reaction.

This Wyoming story has brought awareness, nationwide, to the fact that America allows (and in some cases and in some states, encourages) the killing of native wild animals without limit, without cause, by any means (torture, poison, baiting, without license, without reason ... (Utah, for example, allows the killing of cougars 365 days a year! For no reason, by any means, with no special license.) 

The Cody Roberts Story is America's story. Man who appears to be a simple fool is in fact a dangerous menace. A $250 fine for taking the wolf ("a wild animal") to his house. Against the law! A Wyoming law probably not intended to protect wildlife, but to deter Wyoming residents from trapping and keeping squirrels in the backyard.

If your newspaper decides not to pursue this story, it would be a tremendous disappointment.  

I urge you to follow this story and report. Publish interviews and statements (the governor of Wyoming, state legislators, Department of Fish and Wildlife, hunters, the general public, and don't forget bar owners).

I can see a Pulitzer in your future!  

As a new Cowboy State Daily subscriber, I will be following this story with interest.


Billie Larson

Salt Lake City

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